Infection Control Surcharge
Why was there a surcharge for my dental visit during 2020 and part of 2021?
In an ordinary situation, there should be no additional charges for “infection control”. That has always been the case in my office. However, those were not ordinary times. The practice spent upwards of $10,000 changing office protocols to be compliant with new rules mandated by government agencies. We have been--and will likely continue to have to do so—paying exorbitant fees for masks, face shields, gloves, surface disinfectant etc., to continue to provide care that is safe for patients and staff. Unfortunately, it is not just medical and dental facilities that require these items, but rather ANY business that is open to the public. Hence, the current shortages and higher costs, likely to extend for some time.
However, as of May 1, 2021 we no longer have this surcharge in place. It was a conscious decision to structure this expense as a surcharge at the time, rather than increasing my fees across the board. Now that things have returned to normal (a new normal, to be sure!) I have eliminated that surcharge.